Ok so Coley tagged me to do this almost a month ago, and I'm sorry but I just found time to read your blog so here it is...
1. What is his name? Brandon Timothy O'Keefe
2. Who eats more? Him, definitely him. I've never seen someone eat so much food and stay so skinny.
3. Who said I love you first? He did, although he slipped a couple times while we were dating, he says he was just thought I was being cute (uh huh).
4. Who is taller? He's got about 6-7 inches on me.
6. Who is more sensitive? I'm pretty sure he is, I'm such a robot!!
7. Who does the laundry? Me, even though I barely have time to do it. It usually gets done every two weeks, as soon as he runs out of clothes and reminds me that he doesn't have as many as I do.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do, it feels weird if we switch, he just thinks I'm crazy.
9. Who pays the bills? I pay the utilities and stuff, but he takes care of the rent.
10. Who cooks more? We split that, whoever gets home first usually starts dinner.
11. Who is more stubborn? I am definitely more stubborn. I try not to be annoyingly stubborn, but if I want something bad enough, I will get it.
12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? We are both pretty good about admitting when we are wrong, but I'm never wrong so there isn't much of an issue. :)
13. Who is more clean? We are probably equal on that. I probably clean up around the house more, but he helps out a lot.
14. Who has more siblings? Brandon wins, 2 brothers 1 sister. 1 sister for me.
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? He wears the pants, but he will almost always give me what I ask for.
16. What do you like to do together? We usually just stay home and veg after work, watch TV or movies, read a book, but we will go out to eat on occasion.
17.Who eats more sweets? Neither of us have much of a sweet tooth, but probably me.
18. Guilty pleasures? Computers, motorcycles, movies, electronics, video games, and just about anything that will get your adrenaline going.
19. How did you meet? We met through mutual friends at the Ogden Institute.
20. Who proposed? He did, as only Brandon could, the best and most spotlighted way possible.
21. What is his best feature? His eyes are the best thing, the color changes from golden brown to greenish brown, depending on who knows what (I haven't quite figured that out yet) and he has these 3 little flecks of dark brown is his right eye, its pretty cool.
22. What is his greatest quality? That he loves me and wants to make me happy, also that he is so fun loving and acts like a kid sometimes. It makes life fun and interesting.
Now, who to tag?... Amber, Mel, and Bren.